Prayer of Confession

Lord, I confess that I have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, in things that I have done and things I have left undone. I confess that I have not loved you with all of my heart, soul, and strength, and I have not loved others as I should.

Lord, I confess that I have broken the whole of your law.
I have put other gods before you.
I have misused your name.
I have not kept your Sabbath.
I have dishonored my parents.
I have committed murder.
I have committed adultery.
I have stolen.
I have lied.
I have coveted the things and relationships of others.

Lord, I confess all these things, and I ask for the sake of Jesus Christ that you forgive me. Cleanse me from my sin. Give me the faith to believe that you have forgiven me, so that I may live in your forgiveness.

In Jesus name,

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