
On Sunday we were talking about how complicated the word “church” can be for folks. Putting aside our culture, experience and opinions the word really just means “called out ones”. Since the beginning God has called people to gather, congregate, and assemble around Him.

My family went to Downtown Disney at Thanksgiving and while we were enjoying the D.J. who leads all the kids in dancing, I got called out. I was showing my son how to do the “Carlton” dance and the D.J. stopped the music, put the spot light on me, and directed everyone to watch me do the Carlton. There was a moment where I had to decide if this was going to happen or not. (you can click the link at the end of this to see what ensued…)

That’s the Church. It’s not a place, an organization or philosophy, it’s just people who have the courage to respond when God calls them out. As ridiculous as it may look and feel, God meets us there, and were always glad we went for it.


See you at our next gathering,