The Power of Story

You ever watch Antique Road Show? People bring antique junk to an expert historian with the hope that it is worth something. An old and ordinary item is unexpectedly connected to a famous person, event or time period and suddenly worth a lot of money. The experts...

But I really love it…

Hey New City Folks, Praying all is well. Dawn and Doug passed this along to me, I really liked it. Trusting God always begins by letting go of some things. Trust me, Adam

Let’s just agree to disagree…

We have all made questionable agreements. Most of the time they happen on our way to find the things we crave. It’s a lot like clicking “agree” to the I-Tunes terms and conditions with out reading it…twice. Jesus begins to lead us into freedom by dealing with our...


Hey New City folks, I don’t know what you’re going through today, but if you can trust God I have an idea of where he is taking you. Isaiah 65:17-25 New International Version (NIV) 17 “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be...

This side of the resurrection

Recently, my daughter asked me again, “why haven’t you updated your I-phone to the new operating system?” (IOS 7, which isn’t even new anymore). I tell her, “it’s a hassle… I don’t want to relearn how to use my phone… give my phone back!” She says,...

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. Historically the Christian Church has used this day to reflect on the death of Christ. Jesus painfully endures death because there is nothing else that can be done for his broken people. Humanity is so shattered that the only way to save us, is...